Monday Brooke and I met up in the morning for our first weekly work/craft day. The idea is to spend an entire day each week sewing/knitting/spinning for our shops. We started out by stopping by two local fiber stores to pick up roving. We headed back to my place and got ourselves situated and managed to bag. Kind of lame, but still a pretty good start to this whole enterprise, I think.
Later on, we found our way to the spinning wheel. Neither of us have spent any time on spinning wheels (Brooke can drop spindle) but I was fairly impressed by our progress. After the Hogan family left for the evening, I spun for a couple hours more while Ashley and I finished The Singing Detective. How hunched over was I by the end of the evening? My chin was practically touching my knees. Gotta work on the whole spinning posture thing, I suppose.
Tuesday we loaded up on Japanese craft magazines (SO MUCH BETTER than most of the American swag...) and later on headed over to craft night at Memoir.
Today Brooke and Kerry (along with Sebs) are going to visit their very ill father in California. Send all the good thoughts in the world their way! I miss you guys already!