The Gauge

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hey, for those of you who don't already know, the Mabel's Online Store is up and running! Go check it out at - woot!

In other news, we had a great day yesterday. We drove out to the Gorge and took a hike. I thought we were going for a "walk" and maybe we do things differently in Vermont, but what we did yesterday was a hike. I complained the entire way up, which I think was really fun for Ashley.

Then, of course, there was the great feeling of getting to the top (it's called Angels Rest for those of you in the area) and the beautiful view and nice cool breeze.

And on the WW front...I've lost about 6 lbs., which I'm pretty happy with so far! I feel better and have completely overhauled the way I eat and the way I think about food. It's pretty great, actually. It feels like a lifestyle change, not a diet at all. It's a slow process, but I think that's the way to do it. I've pretty much stopped drinking, which has turned out to be a great thing, and I am off wheat for the time being. Ashley and I have decided to step up the exercise (hence the hike) and have even started wearing pedometers. Oh, twenty-year-old self, I'm sorry for how uncool I've bec


  • At 4/28/2006 04:18:00 PM, Blogger Tricia said…

    hahahahaahahahah! Good job with the WW! I know exactly what you mean about apologizing to your 20-year-old self!

  • At 5/01/2006 05:28:00 PM, Blogger Tricia said…

    BTW, I am looking to make a baby blanket for someone and I am ashamed to say I don't know enough about the yarns you carry, but I want to buy from you. Can you tell me what kind you would recommend for soft and durable? (I love the shop!)

  • At 5/04/2006 03:46:00 PM, Blogger Caitlin said…

    Sure thing! Cashmerino (any weight) is great for baby blankets, and so is the Manos del Uruguay Cotton. Both are REALLY soft and wonderful. Any of the cottons would work, really, because they are durable and washable.

    Thanks for thinking of me! Let me know if you have any other questions, too.



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