The Gauge

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I always love it when people post photographs of things they've found at thrift stores. I thought I'd do the same! We have a great little spot just down the street from us, which is dangerous. We always find a ton of things and Ashley and I are REALLY good at encouraging each other to buy treats for our home.

Here's a treasure:

A beautiful picnic basket in perfect condition. What's more? Service for six inside!

This is an old wooden box that's perfect for a coffee table and now holds some of my (ahem) rather large craft supply stash:

And some cute jars for the kitchen:

Ashley found a reading chair for his little room. It's VERY him:

You can never have enough craft books! Or can you? Seriously...can you? Because I think I have roughly one hundred thousand million:

Lots of fun things happened this weekend! I'll do a big post about our fun times soon. Word!


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